Welcome to the College of Science Student Success Scene, a bi-weekly newsletter featuring activities and opportunities especially relevant for science undergraduates. The Science Student Success team is comprised of Terry Ham, International Student Integration and Retention Specialist, Natasha Harris, Associate Director of Science Diversity, Connie Kaspar, Associate Director of Science Diversity, Giselle Salina-Bender, Diversity Program Administrator, Danielle Sheese, Associate Director for Career Development and Retention, and Laura Starr, Director for Experiential Learning and Student Success
College of Science |
Free Summer Tutoring |
For additional information check out our website. |
Global Science Partners
Are you interested in making friends from around the world?Are you interested in increasing your marketing ability by improving your intercultural competence?Do you enjoy learning about other cultures and sharing things about your own culture?Would you be willing to mentor a new College of Science student (1st year, transfer, or exchange) ?Join us in Fall 2023 for monthly dinners, trips and activities (free for you!) that are designed to help you learn about other cultures ... while having fun!For further information check out our website!To sign up go to the application here.For questions contact Terry Ham at hamt@purdue.edu. |
Career Specialist is Available Over the Summer |
The CoS Career Specialist Is Available To Help You
Make an appointment through the Boiler Connect system by choosing the following - Care Unit: Career / Preprofessional Advising
- Service: College of Science Career Specialist
- Reason: Select from Choices
- Location: CoS Career Services (Virtual)
- Name: Danielle Sheese
Once an appointment is made a virtual meeting will be set-up. If you have issues scheduling, please call 765-494-1771 and the receptionist will assist you. |
What Services
Does the Career Development Specialist Provide?
- Career
counseling appointments
- Customized
career planning (holistic approach to student marketability at
graduation-how do students set themselves apart from other
- Choosing
a major/career path
- Career
assessment interpretation
- Discover
what students can do with their major
- Discussion
of interviewing strategies/mock interviewing & preparation
- Job/internship
searching-targeted resources
- Presentations
and workshops specifically tailored for College of Science students
- Networking opportunities with College of Science alumni including (Coffee & Conversation events and SCI 490 Course “Dean’s Leadership Forum”)
- And more on the College of Science Careers Website
What is a Career Ambassador? Career Ambassadors are leaders with a high level of professionalism, time management skills, initiative, attention to detail, and strong work ethic.
What do Career Ambassadors do? - Event hosting
- Website updates/maintenance
- Social Media: content creation, updates, monitoring, data collection, and marketing (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Hootsuite)
- Marketing material design
- Career Presentations/Workshops (preparation and presenting/hosting)
This is a paid position, and the time commitment is roughly 6-8 hours per week. There is currently 1 position available, and the primary focus is Social Media: content creation, updates, monitoring, data collection, and marketing. All ambassadors are expected to work individually and as a team. The rate of pay is $11.00 per hour. The position will begin virtually in early to mid-August, prior to the start of the academic year.
Interested applicants should send a resume and cover letter to Danielle Sheese at dsheese@purdue.edu, interviews and notification will be over the summer break. The deadline to apply is July 10, 2023. Your cover letter must indicate your interest in the position and your experience using social media platforms in a professional capacity (e.g., a job, internship, or club, etc.). |
This Summer : Learn Beyond the Classroom |
- Use your LBC reports when preparing for interviews or writing applications for internships, jobs, and graduate and professional schools.
- Take advantage of the summer months to build your portfolio: job shadow, volunteer in your community, join a diversity organization, and get to know people who are different from yourself
- Submit LBC reports on activities you completed during the school year.
- If you have submitted a report, check and see if you have been asked to supply more information. If you find that you have received “0” points on a report, look at the feedback and you will see what questions you have been asked to answer. Resubmit your report with the required information so that your LBC points can be updated.
- If you are graduating in August 2023, make sure to have completed the requirement for the certificate by June 19th.
- If you wish to apply for an LBC grant to support an LBC activity, complete our electronic application form here.
Not enrolled in Learning Beyond the Classroom (LBC)? Enroll today! Click Here If you have questions, contact LBC at lbc@purdue.edu |
Thinking About Study Abroad? Explore Uppsala University
Founded in 1477, Uppsala University is the oldest university in Scandinavia. World-class research and high quality education pursued at Uppsala benefit society and business on a global level. The University is characterized by diversity and breadth, and limitless educational offerings. Located about 45 miles north of Stockholm, Uppsala is the fourth largest city in Sweden. For more information check out this website. |
“All sorts of things can happen when you’re open to new ideas
and playing around with things.” — Stephanie
Kwolek, a
chemist who invented Kevlar and winner of the Lavoisier Medal for technical
achievements. As you enjoy some well deserved time off, WISPers,
contemplate the vast opportunities around you for the summer as well as
experiences you can develop throughout the academic year. |
Campus Events
- June 5 at 5pm. Introduction to DEI Principles. WALC 2121 or virtual.
- June 6 at 8pm. National Defense Science and Engineering Fellowship.
- June 7 at 4pm. Undergrad Research 101: Where to Start.
- June 12 at 4pm. Understanding Biases, isms, and Phobias in Research. WALC 2121 or virtual.
- June 13 at 10am. Marketing Yourself for Undergraduate Research.
- June 14 at 8pm. NSF Graduate Fellowship Workshop.
- June 19 at 4pm. Answering the Call: Embedding Social Justice and Equity into Research. WALC 2121 or virtual.
- June 26 at 4pm. Societal Impact and Research. WALC 2121 or virtual.
- June 30 at 4pm. How to Write an Abstract and Apply to Summer Symposium.
- July 3 at 4pm Being inclusive-minded in Literature reviews (part of Aspire Reu Programming) - Hybrid
- July 10 at 4pm Research Ethics (Part of Aspire Reu Programming)
For more information and registration go here |
Abstracts due: July 10 at 11:59pm.
The application PDF is available online. |
The OUR provides 1-credit online, asynchronous courses for students at any point in their careers. - Looking to get started in research (GS19501/ILS180)
- Those involved in research (GS29501/ILS280 and GS39501/ILS380)
- Students applying to graduate or professional school (GS49501/ILS480)
- Current or past student researchers who want to be trained as a peer mentor (ILS495)
All are offered this summer (starting June 12) and fall semester. The syllabi for the courses can be found on Course Insights.